Return Policy |
We strive for complete customer satisfaction. If there is any problem with your order, we want to hear about it. Please inspect your shipment immediately upon arrival. In the case that your shipment is damaged in transit, you must inform us of any broken bottles within two business days of delivery so that we may arrange for pick up. We will need the unopened sealed and/or corked necks the bottles returned to process the claim. Once damaged bottles have been returned to Wine Bazaar, a new shipment will be sent out.
If within fifteen days of receipt of shipment you believe an item is spoiled due to cork taint or bacteria, you may return the bottle with contents and original cork or closure. We absolutely cannot replace any empty bottles. Wine Bazaar will arrange to have the package picked up and returned to us right away for inspection. Once we have received the item back from you, we will examine the contents to confirm spoilage and then send out replacement bottles to you. It is essential that you let us know of any spoilage problem without delay to allow the fastest redelivery of your shipment. New York State Law prohibits the return of alcoholic beverages for any other reasons. No Cash Refunds. The State Liquor Authority authorizes package stores to accept the return of liquor or wine from a customer only if the merchandise is defective in quality.
The State Liquor Authority does not approve the acceptance by a package store of the return of liquor or wine purchased by a customer in error. (As per New York State ABC Law).